Welcome to Summer Internship Conversation with the Office of Career Programs and Student Development at Presbyterian College! We're excited to begin another term of hands-on learning, with a diverse group of students completing internships in some exciting places.
I invite each of you to introduce yourself and tell everyone where you'll be interning this summer. Let us know what your greatest hope for the summer experience is. Then, read the comments from other interns to see what else is out there.
You will be invited to comment on a series of blogs this summer, but there are a few guidelines I'll try to remind you of each time:
1. This is a public forum. Faculty members, employers, and the general public will read what you say. This is not a place to air dirty laundry or to report problems. The proper way to communicate about such issues is directly with me in private conversation.
2. This is a public forum. The questions are asked so that you can share and compare a variety of settings - give informative details which will help other interns (current and future) learn about the variety of workplaces which are represented. Share, share, share relevant details which give insight into working in a particular type of setting.
3. This is a public forum. Privacy matters. Remember confidentiality issues related to your internship.
4. Most importantly, this is a public forum. You are representing yourself and Presbyterian College to future employers and the world. Do yourself proud.
Now - GO BLUE HOSE! Do your best and have a great summer!